I know it is wrong to say anything bad about the Bretheren, or even the sweet sisters who they let speak in General Conference, but I have to admit that I was a little dissapointed in this past weekend. I was so excited when I saw all the Earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan -- the Tsunami and hte nuclear devastation. I just know that as we creep closer to the Mayan/Nephite calander date of December 2012 that we will see more of the predicted Signs of the Times come to pass -- I marked them all very clearly in McConkie. But the Church doesn't even publish Mormon Doctrine any more. And there was very little mention of it in General Conference at all. I think the Lord is just testing those of us who are faithful -- expecting us to read between the lines. Well, I know what to expect. And I am holding fast and true. I'm pretty excited to see what is happening in the world. Those crazy rebels in Libya are in a far better place now -- and it's not like they couldn't have seen it coming if they had only been paying attention. Why is the world so blind?
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