Monday morning in the Bosom of Abraham is about the same as any morning in the Bosom of Abraham. I start my daily routine with scripture reading, of course, followed by a brief shower (cold, as always) and a brisk scrubbing of my teeth.
Clearly, several habits from mortality have continued with me into this sphere -- like the way I chuckle to myself as I think about the millions and billions of people addicted to coffee. Why yoke yourself to such a vile substance that becomes your sole means of kickstarting things in the morning? With a dedicated attitude towards stretching, flexibility, and a double-jointed knee, I have been blessed with the ability to kickstart myself anytime I want. And my teeth stay mostly white to boot. Coffee flavored ice cream isn't any better. And if you don't avoid the coffee isle in the supermarket, then you are cheating. I don't even know why they allow coffee isles in the supermarkets in Utah.
The other downside of coffee drinking is the consumption of daily trivia that passes for news. Lazy worldly people will sit with their newspapers in one hand and a coffee cup in the other and pour over the latest gossip. I have my peeping stones for that. And just one look tells me that things are right on track. Earthquakes in diverse places, wars and rumors of wars in the middle east and on late night talk shows, celebrities being arrested for drunken domestic violence -- all of the important stuff. It just means that we are getting closer to that great millennial day. So rejoice!
And in that spirit, I thought I would share with you my favorite breakfast receipe. The hard boiled egg. Here's how you do it:
1. Boild some water
2. Put in an egg
When you remove the egg, be careful not to burn your fingers peeling away the shell. But if you do, it is your own fault, cuz don't say I didn't warn you. And if you must use salt, remember moderation. But there is something more hearty and enriching to your soul about the dry taste of an unsalted hard boiled egg. Be careful not to rob yourself of that. The same thing goes for buttering your English muffins. But I don't want to over complicate things. That will be another recipe for another time.
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