My visitor slept all day and all through the night. And at times he talked in his sleep. Something about western plague of evil, and great Satan, and Lady Gaga. He still smells like a sea bass, but he seems to have dried off mostly.
But he also seems to be in injured and in pain, because he keeps shouting in weird languages, which was annoying, because it interrupts my scripture reading. I am almost through with the New Testament, and he keeps stopping me dead in my tracks when I get to the Book of Revelations, chapter 13, which has always been my favorite. He just blasts through the place and howls like he's blowing -- oh, I don't know -- ten horns out of seven heads or something. I was really excited when he first showed up, but now he's just starting to annoy me.
And another thing -- I'll tell you what -- the guy snores like a Beast! It must be the beard. And I swear he must have eaten only garlic. Or locusts without the honey. If he doesn't stop it, I swear I may just invoke the power of my peepingstones and send him back up through that stinky sea where he came from.
[sigh] I need to calm down. I need to get back to my roots and remember my goal to be the peaceful, humble, meek, salt of the earth -- yes, I need to be more earthy, and remember my righteous mission of meekly and humbly striking fear into the hearts of the wicked and those who would appose the will of all that is good and decent in the world. Sometimes I don't know what comes over me.
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