Sometimes I pick up conversations through my peepingstones. Just today I heard the following:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Overheard... The Ugly Kid
Sometimes I pick up conversations through my peepingstones. Just today I heard the following:
Lehi's Dream
Monday, April 25, 2011
Celestial Mia Maid Service
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Funeral Potatoes
It has been a glorious Easter here in the Bosom of Abraham. It gets a little lonely, so I do try to dublicate the traditions I celebrated while in my mortal state -- even some of the more harmless heathen ones -- and I couldn't resist doing a small easter egg hunt this morning. The only problem is that I colored and hid 24 eggs but I was only able to find 21. I hope the other three don't make these new living arrangements too uncomfortable over the next few weeks and months. I'll keep looking.
But I did find something interesting as I was observing my peepingstones before bed tonight. A rather irreverent Swearing Elder back on earth asked the following question:
"Do you think that Mary Magdelene served funeral potatoes at Jesus's funeral?"
It's a terrible question, for many reasons. First, because as we all know, Jesus did not have a funeral. He was entombed quickly, resurrected even quickerer, and when the women came to mourne, he was gone. Second, Mary Magdelene probably wasn't a very good cook -- I mean, just think about the way he first met her. Women like that don't usually make very good cooks I wouldn't think, which is why they have to try and attract men with other less flattering allurements. And lastly, it's just a thoughtless question because I doubt very much that she would have had access to kosher mayonnaise.
But nevertheless, I have an advantage with my peepingstones that the truth of all things are just within my reach, so I asked the question, and I shook the stones, and I looked inside the glass for my answer. It said, "My sources say no."
Just kidding. My peeping stones are not a child's magic eight ball toy. I just wanted to prove to you all that even translated righteous beings maintain a certain degree of humor.
The peepingstone actually showed me that funeral potatoes were actually first served to Joseph of Arimathea by early Irish Christians when he visited the British Isles with the Holy Grail. Of course they did not know that their veins were surging with the blood of Ephraim until about 1820 years later when that fact was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith. At that time, not only was the truth about their lost sacred lineage restored to the world, but so was the recipe for funeral potatoes. And here it is in its unadulterated purity:
Ingredients (just as the ancient Ephraimite Irish used to make it):
32 oz bag of frozen shredded hash browns
2 (10 3/4 oz) cans cream of chicken soup
2 cups sour cream shopping list
1 1/2 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup melted butter or margarine
1/2 c. chopped onion
2 cups finely crushed corn flakes
2 Tbs butter or margarine melted
How to make it:
Grease 9x13 baking dish and preheat oven to 350
In large bowl combine soups, sour cream, cheese, onions, and the 1/2 cup of melted butter.
Gently fold hash browns into mixture.
Pour mixture into pan.
Combine crushed corn flakes and the 2 Tbs. of melted butter and sprinkle on top of potato mixture.
Bake for 30 minutes.
So Mr. Ex-brother Swearing Elder -- don't knock it -- for this recipe is truth, and all truthful recipes cometh of good, for spuds shall not be mocked.
Eye on Chest Hair
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Taj Mabob
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Prayers for Catherine
Monday, April 18, 2011
Prayers Needed
What came first?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Why I won't be seeing the Book of Mormon Musical
Friday, April 15, 2011
Blessed are the Pissmakers
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Kobe's Beef
1. And it came to pass, that Kobimamba in a moment of anger did lift up his voice unto the striped one and didth shout out, "Raca, thou fool! Thou artest an effing Mormon!" And his comments were published throughout all the land.
2. And it came to pass the all the children in the lands to the north, and to the south, and to the east, and to the west did witness the deeds of Kobimamba, and did in unholy mimicry also cry out in their moments of anger, "Raca, though fool! Thou artest an effing Mormon!"
3. And verily thus did it spread throughout the land that "Mormon" became a cuss and a by-word even unto the most very pure in heart. Even unto the land of Zion.
4. And thus did the prophet Boydoni did lift up his voice to the people, and didst deliver unto them the Lord's will that "Mormon" was no longer to be used by the faithful members of the Lord's church, for the true name of the Lord's church was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
5. And it came to pass that the faithfull heeded unto Boydoni's words, and verily all of the faithful LDS children in the lands to the north, and the lands to the south, and the lands to the east, and the lands to the west did from that day forth cry in their moments of anger, "Raca, thou fool! Thou artest a fetching LDS!"
6. And once ye have recieved these things...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Hanging by a thread
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Word of Wingdom
The Word of Wingdom
v. 1-3 Message of truth, three degrees set out: v. 4-7 conditions of Celestial world, V. 8-11 conditions of Terrestrial world: v. 12-13 conditions of Telestial world; v. 14 blessings of obedience.
1. He who hath ears to hear, let him hear the message of the word of truth.
2 For in the house of Wings there are many mansions. How shall I liken these that you may understand them?
3. For there are mansions like unto the stars in their glory which are Telestial, and mansions like unto the moon in its glory which are Terrestrial, and mansions like unto the sun in its glory which are Celestial.
4. He who hath eyes to see, let him read this proclamation of the words of truth, for unto each glory is assigned inhabitants who are judged by their works in the flesh. These are they who must abide in the glory thereof.
5. For whosoever liveth the law to its fullest, who obey the commandments and transgress not the law, these are they who shall inherit the Celestial Wingdom. These are they who place no other sauce before me, for there is but one true sauce, and it is the Red Hot of Durkee or more recently of Franks™. And to this sauce should be added only enough pure butter as to dilute its potency sufficiently, and enough white wine vinegar, purely distilled, with perhaps a dash of freshly ground pepper (to give it that little extra kick) for there are many degrees within the Celestial Wingdom. Any more or less than this cometh of evil.
6. And pertaining to the inhabitance of the Celestial Wingdom, these are they who in life devoured their wings with thankfulness of heart, and left not extra meat nor skin upon the bone, but bit off the ends and sucked the marrow ‘til it was dry. These are they who shall inherit the Celestial Wingdom. But verily I say unto you that he who cannot abide Celestial laws cannot abide the Celestial Wingdom. For no unclean thing can enter therein, including those who waste meat upon the bones, or those who abuse ranch-based salad dressings of any kind,
7. For verily I say unto you that ranch and blue cheese were not made for the dipping of wings, but were intended for vegetables such as carrots or celery, and for the healing of bruised cows (but only on Tuesdays). Woe unto he who dips his wing into sauces such as these, for surely it will be unto their eternal condimentation.
8. And for those who were honest men, enjoying the idea of wings but never partaking in the fullness of their glory, being deceived by the craftiness of men and the irresponsibility of restaurants, fast food joints, and pizza chains (who have absolutely no business selling their corrupted excuse-for-wings in the first place) these are they who shall inherit the Terrestrial Wingdom.
9. These are they who, rather than harvesting all the goodness of each wing, peeled off the skin, refused to bite into the bone, dipped into the forbidden sauces, and did not pick their wings dry. These are they who ignorantly threw old wings in the garbage when they thought that they were full; for verily I say unto you, wings were made for the enjoyment of man, and not for the enlargement of landfills. If ye love me, eat my commandments.
10. He who hath tongue to taste, let him savor the truth, that uneaten wings shall not be wasted, but shall be saved and preserved and reheated in their original sauce, for what good is new sauce with old wings?
11. And to those who would re-use old sauce on newly cooked wings, verily I forbid it. And yea, these are they who shall inherit the Terrestrial Wingdom. But again I say unto, yea and verily and all the rest of it (sing me on down – can I get an Amen?) he who abideth not the Terrestrial law cannot abide the Terrestrial Wingdom.
12. And the rest are those of the.... um... let's say Telestial... yeah, Telestial world, whose glory is likened unto the stars, and the really dim and faint ones at that, like the ones you might have to look through a "tele" scope to see (get it?); Liars, who feign righteousness but secretly dip in ranch or blue cheese when they think no one is looking; Murderers, who throw away perfectly good wings or eat wings before they have been sauced for the purpose of avoiding spices; Adulterers, who use any sauce other than the Durkee or of Franks™.
13. These are they who shall not partake of the first batch of wings delivered in the morning of the first preparation, but shall pay for their sins with paper cuts on their feet, dipped in a burning lake of hell-fire ranch and blue cheese damnation, mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice, perhaps a sprinkle of paprika, and a tiny dash of salt until it hurts really really bad. For wings shall not be mocked.
14. But verily, to those who keep and honor my laws, to them shall I open the windows of heaven, pull back the venetian blinds, remove the screens, and pour out great gifts and blessings untold; and ye shall have my mark stained across your lips, and shall be numbered among my gaggle, and ye shall be my friends. Let’s eat. Amen.