Today is Fast Sunday in the Bosom of Abraham. And I would feel remiss if I didn't stand before you today and express my eternal gratitude for all of the wonderful blessings that I have had throughout my life, both when I was alive, and now when I am... When I am... [sniff]
I'm sorry. I didn't expect to do this...
I want to thank my parents, who in life would teach me correct principles.
I could always count on my mother to make sure that I had cleaned my room until it was sufficiently clean. And that...
I'm sorry.
...and that my clothes were neatly pressed. And wrinkle-free. And that I always went to every church meeting. Even when I was the only deacon in the quorum -- and was the deacon's president, and my own first and second counselor -- she would drive me to the presidency meetings, because that's what the Lord requires.
And I could always count on my Father to be reading scriptures whenever he... whenever he wasn't at work. And when I would talk to him, rather than shush me, he... he...
I'm so sorry, I promised myself I wouldn't do this!
...he bought me my own set of scriptures, with my own set of colored marking pencils. And we sat in the same room studying our scriptures together in solemn brotherhood, feasting upon the Lord's words together, father and son, (like Luke and Vader, even though I don't know who that is!) Such a marvelous example of choosing the better path.
And that's how I know that the church is true! And that's how I had the strength to... [sniff] to persevere! To sacrifice! To do what had to be done to make it where I am today, here... alone in... [sob]
I'm sorry. I didn't expect to be so emotional.
There aren't any tissue in the Bosom of Abraham.
What is this place?